Oct. 17, 2017
Devotion of the rarest kind ~
Kira Braun
The rescue of a fragile mind;
A shoulder,
A heart,
He'll always impart
his love that knows no confine.
First on his list,
Th' inner circle is kissed
With the blessing of
His strong resolve;
He knows what is right
And he'll help you fight
To ensure that your pain
will dissolve.
Just listen,
And know ~
His guidance is such
that you'll win
when you feel all is lost,
Steel yourself,
Forge the path ~
He's paved the way.
He's done it before
And again he will say:
You're part of his soul,
You're worth every effort,
You're valued,
You're strong ~
Let him be your shepherd.
Latest comments
This is STILL a perfect description of the worst president of the USA ever.
Keep sharing like this more with all of us.
I really like the stuff which ahds hared herea bout this place. I will try to go there after taking the tour by http://www.goldenbustours.com/.
My dear Kira, your poignant words touched me deeply. To know that you were treated like this is just unbelievable. Thank you for sharing.