Jul. 29, 2018
Wrinkled faces greet one another,
A flash of recognition
Greek smiles light up
Eyes are as the stars above.
Ancient tree arches over the platia,
A trunk 15 men could surround,
Dancers step and kick,
White napkin leads the way
Clarinet weaves notes together
Byzantine tonic hums...
Bouzouki undulates
And the basal beat brings fever
Latest comments
This is STILL a perfect description of the worst president of the USA ever.
Keep sharing like this more with all of us.
I really like the stuff which ahds hared herea bout this place. I will try to go there after taking the tour by http://www.goldenbustours.com/.
My dear Kira, your poignant words touched me deeply. To know that you were treated like this is just unbelievable. Thank you for sharing.